Do you want to change your life? Do you want to live a more meaningful, peaceful and ordered life? The key to a happy and fulfilling life is not a secret. It is to cultivate wisdom and purpose. And yes — wisdom can be taught. We have known how to do this for centuries. The problem is that in contemporary life, we tend to choose the wrong things to care about.
Our method teaches you to cultivate wise reasoning and apply it to your life in three steps.
“This course is a supertool that has many tools inside it. It is presented in an organized form with a purpose in mind: the project. the proejct allowed me to work out my insights and inspiration. Everybody has insights. Yet a revelation you have now can easily get lost from memory. but, once you have the framework, you have a structure to transform the insight into action and apply it to your project. You do not forget it. That is what is different.”
“I never felt this depth of experience. I also feel a strange sense of contentment. I would define it as flow. It feels effortless.
“I did not know how, but suddenly I knew I was looking at the situation in the wrong way. It felt good, but weird. This is like going to the gym: You keep practicing and one day you notice the change.”
“It is like I used to live in the jungle. Now it is like I have moved to a valley. In the jungle, I could not see clearly what was ahead of me. IN the valley, I see all the possibilities open to me. From here to the horizon.”
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